The Shagun Initiative is a groundbreaking effort dedicated to rescuing underprivileged women from exploitation and empowering them with dignity, security, and hope. In India, marriage is more than a personal milestone—it is a societal cornerstone that profoundly impacts a woman’s future.
Shagun 2022
The Shagun Initiative is a groundbreaking effort dedicated to rescuing underprivileged women from exploitation and empowering them with dignity, security, and hope. In India, marriage is more than a personal milestone—it is a societal cornerstone that profoundly impacts a woman’s future.
Shagun 2018
The Shagun Initiative is a groundbreaking effort dedicated to rescuing underprivileged women from exploitation and empowering them with dignity, security, and hope. In India, marriage is more than a personal milestone—it is a societal cornerstone that profoundly impacts a woman’s future.
Shagun 2015
The Shagun Initiative is a groundbreaking effort dedicated to rescuing underprivileged women from exploitation and empowering them with dignity, security, and hope. In India, marriage is more than a personal milestone—it is a societal cornerstone that profoundly impacts a woman’s future.
Shagun 2014
The Shagun Initiative is a groundbreaking effort dedicated to rescuing underprivileged women from exploitation and empowering them with dignity, security, and hope. In India, marriage is more than a personal milestone—it is a societal cornerstone that profoundly impacts a woman’s future.
Shagun 2012
The Shagun Initiative is a groundbreaking effort dedicated to rescuing underprivileged women from exploitation and empowering them with dignity, security, and hope. In India, marriage is more than a personal milestone—it is a societal cornerstone that profoundly impacts a woman’s future.