Inaugurated by the Honorable Home Minister of India, "Run for Ladli" is a unique half-marathon and gender sensitization initiative organized by the Ladli Foundation in collaboration with the Delhi Police. Held on December 17, 2017, at New Delhi’s iconic Jawaharlal Nehru (JLN) Stadium, this landmark event drew over 25,000 participants—primarily men—who pledged their commitment to promoting gender equality and preventing violence against women.
This impactful event brought together notable dignitaries and public figures, who stood in support of the cause, amplifying the importance of women’s safety and rights. Through a powerful collective pledge, "Run for Ladli" became a rallying call to inspire social change, reinforcing the message that every individual has a role in creating a safer, more respectful society for women.
A constructive action towards Gender Sensitive Society -
The "Run for Ladli" event had an impressive turnout, featuring the participation of 20,000 young, unemployed men from underserved neighborhoods in Delhi. Many of these individuals, identified by 188 local police stations, had been involved in behaviors like loitering and harassment outside girls’ schools. They were engaged in a three-day gender sensitization workshop designed to instill respect, equity, and awareness about the importance of gender equality. This transformative program encouraged participants to reconsider their actions and perspectives, inspiring them to embrace positive change and reject any form of violence or harassment against women.
Following the workshop, these young men joined the half-marathon, pledging their commitment to preventing domestic violence and crimes against women. The "Run for Ladli" initiative aimed to foster trust between these youth and local police, providing them with a sense of belonging and accountability. By connecting them with local authorities and offering mentorship, the program sought to guide them towards career opportunities and a future rooted in social responsibility.
The gender sensitization program played a crucial role in shifting attitudes, empowering these young men to become advocates for women’s safety and equality within their own communities. For many participants, the event became a pivotal turning point, motivating them to act as protectors of their families and allies in creating a more inclusive and respectful society. "Run for Ladli" ultimately fostered a collaborative spirit to address gender-based violence, showcasing the powerful impact of community-driven change.
Participants competed in timed runs across various categories—21 km, 11 km, 5 km, and 2.5 km. Prize money, trophies, and online certificates rewarded the top finishers, with the 21 km category offering a grand prize of ₹1 lakh. The 11 km and 5 km winners received ₹50,000 and ₹21,000, respectively. Successful finishers in each category earned certificates, which could also qualify them for major marathons in India.